

Zum Vortrag „The Church in multi-culturale and multi-religious Society“ am 05. April 2017 am „Australian Lutheran College“ in Adelaide

Your presentation last evening at ALC was excellent and very timely for us in our situation. Our Australian society is now highly secularized, attendance at Christian churches has declined catastrophically, and, with the large number of immigrants and refugees who have come to live here, other religious communities  have sprung up and established their places of worship in our midst. So we Lutherans in Australia need to think theologically and practically about how we should be relating to our neighbours of other faiths and also to the vast majority in the Australian population who profess no faith at all. Your fine lecture yesterday afternoon was something of a wake-up call. In particular, I like the way you showed us how we can be true to our faith in Jesus Christ and our confession of the gospel and at the same time reach out to people of other faiths in love and friendship.

Dr. Dean Zweck, Emeritus Lecturer in church history and supervisor for overseas students at Australian Lutheran College Adelaide

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